From 1907 to 1927, physicists in the United States successfully developed crystal rectifiers, selenium rectifiers and cuprous oxide rectifiers. In 1931, Lange and Bergman successfully developed the selenium photovoltaic cell. In 1932, Germany successively developed semiconductor infrared detectors such as lead sulfide, lead selenide and lead arsenide, which were used to detect planes and ships in World War II. During World War II, the Allies also achieved great results in the research on sexual conductors. The United Kingdom used infrared detectors to detect German aircraft many times. It can be seen from this mountain that semiconductors have been used in the military for a long time. Without semiconductors, I think it is difficult to predict the results of World War II.
The former Soviet Union used to be far ahead in the field of semiconductors and was once the leader of the world's electronic technology. According to the former Soviet Union, radio was invented by Popov, not Marconi as the West calls it. In the history of the Soviet Union for more than 70 years, although its electronic technology is not the world's leading, it is not much behind the western level, at least it is much ahead of the four Asian tigers who came to Jubu later. By the time of the war, Soviet radios had become very popular. The artificial satellites, long-range missiles, manned spacecraft and space stations developed after the 1950s all rely on the support of electronic technology. The Soviet Union began to develop phased array radar in 1968 and put it into use in the 1970s. The Su-24 fighter jet launched in 1971 has been equipped with digital computers, but due to reasons such as ten policies, its research results have been delayed in the military field, resulting in the lack of a strong national defense and then the Cold War with the United States. It was gradually defeated and finally disintegrated in the Cold War. It can be seen that the development of semiconductors in the military field is the key to the rise and fall of a country.
In the new century, there is a close relationship between the development of semiconductors and optical devices. Modern military optical technology is based on optics and optoelectronics, combined with precision machinery, electronics and computers. Comprehensive technology is an integral part of modern military technology. The development of military optical technology not only provides modern weapons and equipment and technical means for military construction and enhances national defense strength, but also promotes the development of emerging technologies and emerging industries such as information technology, precision machining, and new materials, and promotes science and technology. And the improvement of the overall level of the national economy has enhanced the overall national strength. Military optical technology is usually divided into several categories according to the working principle and technological development: optical instruments, low-light night vision technology, infrared technology, laser technology and optoelectronic comprehensive application technology. Laser-made special weapons represented by laser-made special bombs.